Whether through the “Turnkey” or “Inspection and Supervision” modality , our experience in Projects allows us to offer a Construction Management Service (EPC) capable of guaranteeing the completion of the Projects with the quality and in the stipulated time, through adequate coordination of the tasks of provision, assembly, supervision and control.
- Construction, Assembly
- Quality inspection and supplier qualification
- Engineering software development.
- Filing and classification of technical documentation.
Inspection of Works
Through their participation in numerous engineering projects, SIC TEC collaborators have gathered experience and capacity in solving complex problems, applying advanced technology.

- Safety and quality control in investment works
- Testing and manufacturing control plans.
- Welding procedures, metallography
- Technical expertise, quality inspection and supplier qualification.
- Evaluation and audits of supplier quality systems
Having personnel with experience in the most varied Process Units allows us to provide the necessary technical assistance for
- Start-up
- Training of operational and maintenance personnel.
- Preparation of manuals.
- Test Run.
- Delivery of the Unit with product in specification.